Judy McGinn
For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed the process of personal growth, both my own and that of others. I first became a professional coach in 2006, which was the result of my own life and career transition and the profound internal change I discovered when I broke through the limiting beliefs that were holding me back at the time.
Over the duration of 16 years I lived and worked in the Kimberley, Western Australia as a manager, consultant, coach, education facilitator and in community development. I realized over time, that my work in indigenous communities was shaping me to be better – better at listening, better at understanding and learning about others’ worldviews, and better at slowing my pace. I now love the fact that I am able to use my experience, insight and intuitive skill to assist individuals to take a risk, rediscover and recreate themselves, thereby becoming more effective and wiser leaders.
In my personal life I enjoy the company of my husband and our three adult children as well as, bush walking, cycling, reading and writing, and dabbling a little with a sketchpad and paint. My passion is my coaching practice as I have a total commitment to inspiring a person to be the best they can be, in both their personal and professional lives.