Coaching Skills for Leaders Programs

Foundation Program

Offered as virtual real time and in person

  • 2 day workshop
  • 2 x 1.5 hrs coaching in action sessions
  • post program development support

Advanced Program

Offered as virtual real time and in person

  • 2 day workshop
  • 2 x 1.5 hrs coaching in action sessions
  • post program development support

Providing leaders with quality coaching, tools and resources to be effective integrating coaching into their leadership style is key to facilitating the development of a strong coaching culture in support of long-term engagement and performance of employees. Coaching transforms culture.

Manager / Leader as Coach options

Manager / Leader as Coach options:

  • In-house as a stand alone development opportunity for managers
  • As a component of your leadership development program
  • To on-board employees who are new to the organisation
  • In conjunction with a change management initiative

In today’s fast paced continually changing workplaces places demands on our managers and leaders to manage change and to retain well performing and high potential employees.

Research informs us that the three key drivers of attrition are:

  1. Respect
  2. Manager quality
  3. Work life balance

One way to strengthen a coaching culture, which at the heart is a respectful conversation, is to increase access to managers and leaders who use coaching skills with their team members. This means enabling managers and leaders to use sound coaching knowledge, approaches and skills to create awareness and support behaviour change.

Recent research tells us that what is often difficult is that many managers have not received good coaching. Therefore there is a strong education need for what coaching is, how it works and how it helps along with the lived experience of good coaching. In our experience those who are have not had a good experience is because the ‘coaching’ has been instructional which is another form of telling and directing under the guise of coaching.

We believe effective coach training is facilitated by experienced and credential coaches who have undertaken accredited coach specific training and continue in their professional development as the coaching profession grows and matures.